Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Talking to Paul

Because apparently that's worth blogging about. =)

Blah. On one hand, I really just want to spill about how much stuff I have to do, and how I haven't been doing all of it. But I really don't have the effort to type it all out right now. Or to think about it at all, really.

I've been finding it really hard to concentrate on one thing at a time, which is partly why I haven't blogged much lately. Or done homework. Or practiced. Or done anything really. How do I fix this?


"I liked a girl, so I punched her, and I got in trouble. So I served my detention, and then punched the principle, and got taken back to the office."

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Anonymous scenes

(at first, attempted to be put in chronological order, but that plan was soon abandoned)

"A smart person would put this down and just enjoy the rest of the party..."
"You're not a smart person."

"Starting early, are we?"

"That doesn't actually have any in it."
"It has bananas."
"That's not exactly the same."
"But it has bananas."

"I know! Carina, I have this hair..."
"It's Carissa."
"Yeah, Carissa, this hair that just doesn't grow for years and it's never grown!"

"If I hadn't had this much to drink, I probably wouldn't be laying on top of you like this."

"Because only your lower half is inside the hula hoop, only your lower half will be included in the three-some."

"I'm lion hunting!"

"Noo! We're locked in the bathroom! Help!"

"I'm not putting a fish on my head. I haven't had that much to drink yet."

"I do have self control! If somebody asked me for sex right now, I would say no!"

"So, remember when I said I might be on my way?"
"Are you there?"
"I'm kinda there..."

"Hey guys! I got laid twice!"

*dancing with a hula hoop*

*singing and suddenly forgetting the words to the next verse, and abruptly stopping*

"Was there any silliness at this party?"
"What kind of silliness?"
"Drinking silliness."
"Yeah, there was a little."
"Alright, that's good."
"...Apparently I'm really funny..."
"I'm proud of you."

These stories are much more amusing in person. Ask me about them sometime. It's a pretty good laugh. I apologize if you were looking for a really good laugh here. I suddenly found I was kinda reluctant to post too many details here. =P


"So, how did you feel when you woke up this morning?"

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Searching for a meaning

It occurred to me the other day in rehearsal that it doesn't really matter what the down beat does, because if the off beats don't cooperate, nothing's going to happen. The off-beats have the real control over the tempo. The actual beats are reacting to the off-beats, rather than the other way around.

I feel like this should relate to life in some metaphorical way, but I'm not sure how.

I had other significant thoughts at some point, but they're escaping me at the moment.

I like to be creative.


"Death by condom!"

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Stop the madness...

I really should learn to blog before I read everybody else's blog. I always read other blogs first, and by the time I'm done, I'm not in the mood to blog anymore.

Anyways, I figure I should really start publishing my tips to guys that I've made. I know I make it seem like I've got dozens, but I know I'll only be able to think up a couple right now. But I'll publish more of them as they come out. I figure it's important stuff that needs to be heard.

Tips for guys #1) If you're at a social event of some sort (dance, party, whatever) and there's dancing / a dance floor, or anything of the sort...if you see a girl standing alone somewhere kinda watching the dance floor...please just ask her to dance. It really doesn't matter much who you are, or who she is, just do it. Chances are she's standing alone because she's thinking there might be a better chance of being asked to dance if she's not surrounded by all of her friends. And she probably won't be staring directly at the dance floor, because that would seem all too obvious, and she really doesn't want to seem desperate or anything. So please, just ask her to dance. It'll take probably a total of 3 minutes of your night, and it'll go a long way to making her night awesome. How do I know this? I've been that girl.

Tips for guys #2) Try not to take things so personal all the time. I know girls do it often and everything. It happens. But sometimes it doesn't hurt to just keep quiet and let things blow over. Good example: breaking up. I know we tend to go to all our friends, and call you a jerk, until we've got practically the whole world against you . Maybe you did a bad job of breaking up, and we've just got some really hard feelings. Maybe you did absolutely nothing wrong, and we're just freaking out. Either way, here's how I see it: usually after a break up, there are two things that we're thinking. One of them is how much of a jerk you are. The other thought is 'how in the world could I have screwed that up?' Believe me, it's hard to think of something that made life so wonderful, ending because we screwed up. It's not a pleasant thought, and it doesn't make life any easier for us. So I know it's not fair to you guys, but honestly, it makes our life so much bearable to blame it all on you for a while, so we don't have blame ourselves. Eventually we'll take a step back. We'll look at it from different angles, we'll see things we didn't notice before. Chances are we won't hate you forever. So just give us a little grace period just to help us out a bit. Okay?

Of course, that doesn't apply if you really were a jerk. But that is an entirely different story, one that would take way too long to explain here, as being a jerk is really a relative term, and considering who's point of view you see things from, it complicates things quite a bit. So, as one would say is physics, for this equation to work, you must assume there is no actual acting like a jerk in this system. Also assume no friction. And no gravity, just to be on the safe side.

Well, I think that was a pretty good subject for a blog tonight. And seeing as I went to bed at 3:30 in the morning last night, I think I'll be off right now, and hopefully catch up on a little bit of sleep, so I might not fall asleep in rehearsals tomorrow.


"I'm like pimp. Only a girl. What do you call a girl pimp?"
"Excuse me? That's it, no sex for you tonight."