Yup, it's done. We had our concert tonight. I went fairly well. We played this new piece, and the composer of the piece actually came and conducted us. I felt really bad, we kinda butchered his piece during the concert. We read it fine in rehearsal...and then the concert came...so that wasn't so good. But...whatever...
I'm so tired. It's gonna be so nice to be able to sleep tomorrow. Mmm...sleep. I've almost forgotten what it's like to do that...I also need to remember to water my plants, because I haven't done that in about two weeks.
My brother was really mad at me tonight. He was going to watch a movie on the computer (yeah, that's right...my family watches DVDs on the computer...) but I got on the computer and started chatting, and I didn't want to get off, so he got really mad at me. After a while I went to his room and explained why I wanted to stay on, and we both apologized and he went downstairs to watch his movie. So...it was really neat. Usually me and my brother just get really mad at each other...so...anyways, enough about that...
Ry said he got a new cat. =) I really want to see it. Like, really...I like kitties...=)...
I also should do homework tomorrow...I should...will I?...Probably not...
I e-mailed my uncle today, telling him about the songs I'm arranging. Or, planning to, in most cases. I asked him what computer program I should get to write the parts out. I figure if I'm gonna get one, I want a good one. I've heard some pretty crazy horror stories from people with bad programs. So that'll be nice. Mom also said that Uncle Chester has a laptop he's not using, and if we could get a program before we go to Mexico, then I could work on my arrangements there. Which would be nice, seeing as Dad won't let me bring an instrument. =) I'm a geek...
Hm...they're watching the princess bride, and it just got to the scene where there's lots of bassoon...=) I love it...
I also talked to Matt today. That was good. I apologized for getting mad at him...hopefully he'll start talking to me again. He can't bring the contra to Banff, which sucks...but I couldn't get mad at him again...I just couldn't. I was happy after that...
Oh, and my dad bought a new car! It's so great, it has a CD player, and now we can get rid of the 15 year old Ford! I'm not sure what kind of car it is...I'm never good with things like that...all I remember is that it's jade-coloured. Sounds pretty. I'm excited. No more old car...
And apparenly All Cities got Mars on Friday. I'm so excited. I love the bass line for Mars. I'm excited...
I should really end this post...I've just kinda been going on...which is always fun...I don't usually have a lot of time to post...usually it's just a last minute thing I do before bed...so...this is neat. I like it.
But I really should end it, because I'm kinda running out of things to say...and then I'll just start blabbing. So...band camp picture...

Those are some of the cabins we stayed in. There were more of course. The one in the middle was mine, the left is Maggie's, and I believe Erika was in the right one. We were sorta out in the corner. But we were close to the bathroom, which was nice.
Quote of the day: "You miss that note, I'll cut you."