Saturday, December 23, 2006

Spain tomorrow...

I slept for twelve hours last night. It felt so nice. And then I pretty much did nothing today, which was also nice. I did water my plants and pack for spain though.

So, this will probably be the last update here until I get back from Spain. I highly doubt I'll get on computer in Spain, even if I get the chance. Yes, I'll take lots of pictures. Yes, I'll come back with lots of stories. You'll just have to be patient for the next twelve days until I get back. And pray that I didn't forget anything, and that I actually survive security.

P.S: Why can't I understand you? I mean, one minute I felt like you'd always like me, and the next you're walking away. You say you want to be friends, yet half the time I feel like you're just pushing me out of your life. Even if it's over, I still want to feel like it actually meant something. I've never felt like I wasted my time, so don't start making me feel that way now. Don't make it seem like that was just something to do, and now you have better things to move on too. There were times when you actually seemed to care about being friends. There are times when you still seem to care in general. So don't suddenly make it seem like you want me to just get out of your life. If you want that, tell me so I can start getting over it now.
I know I'm exaggerating. It's little things that set me off sometimes. I honestly do look forward to seeing you when I get back, and I do miss talking to you...and not being awkward.


"There's a difference between having a day where you're supposed to do something and not doing it, and having a day where you're actually not supposed to do anything."

Friday, December 22, 2006

Me and my stupid heart

So, I've decided that I set my heart on things way too easily. Whenever I'm in a bad mood, it's almost always because something didn't go the way I wanted it to, or the way I had hoped. I always like believing that the best will happen, and when it doesn't, I'm usually bitterly dissapointed. I've considered switching to pessimism so maybe I don't have to go through that anymore. But I like being optimistic. I don't usually get along with people who are pessimistic.

Anyways, that was just the very end of my day, when I found out that my band hoodie (my old one) is still lost, and I forgot my new scarf at school, which really sucks because I was going to bring that one to Spain with me. Oh well.

So, other then that, today was good. Lots of exchanging of gifts, which was cool. Everybody seemed to like my presents, which always makes me feel good. Keslkie got me a silk swab for my bocal! I didn't even know there were swabs for bassoon bocals! It's amazing. I love it. I also got neat body butter. I love cream / lotion. Especially if it smells good. Chloe gave me cute little bath confetti, and Kate gave me chocolate. And a card, with a picture that she painted herself. I showed it to mom, and she asked me if Kate could give her one like it, except bigger. She even said she'd pay for it. Mom likes paintings, especially really good ones. She loves Kate's. I shall have to let Kate know.

I love Gordan Jacob's Four Sketches for bassoon and piano. I'm listening to it right now, and it's very cheerful. I thought I'd just mention how much I like it.

Turkeyfest was a blast. We actually got to go for food first this time. Last year we were the last ones, and by the time we were sitting down to eat, people were already leaving. So it was a nice change to eat first and then relax and chat. I also got up and sang, along with Erika, and a bunch of people from choir, which was fun.

I'll actually get to sleep in tomorrow, which is really nice. I haven't slept in for over two weeks. I've been so tired. We had a bassoon recital at my teacher's house today. I was the second, and the last person to play. I played a movement from Vivaldi's concerto in C major first, and then me and Jackie finished the concert with the duet. So I was sitting in the back room during the whole thing, after performing my solo. I started falling asleep during performances. I woke up to hear my teacher announce that me and Jackie were next, and I just had time to jump up, grab my bassoon, music, and reed (which was practically dry; I meant to put it in water the song before we went on, but I was sleeping at the time) and rush out. So, I started playing probably a total of 60 seconds after I woke up. That was interesting. When we got back, I mentioned to the room in general that if anything like this happens again, please wake me at least one song before I have to play.

My brother also found Nintendogs, which makes me happy. So I spent some time on that before my brother asked to have his DS back.

Kate invited me to go to zoo lights with her. I feel so bad that I couldn't. I couldn't get a ride there, and I really needed to start getting ready for Spain, since I basically have tonight and tomorrow and then I leave. So, I would have loved to go with her, and I feel really bad that I couldn't. Sorry, Kate. =(

Oh, Jenny also texted me tonight to say Merry Christmas, which was nice. I feel loved with people text me. =)

As a side note, Josh is a candy cane addict. I must have given him at least 20. Which really isn't a bad thing, because apparently I don't have as many friends as I think I have, since I have so many candy canes left over from today. Oh well. Just be warned, that if you have candy canes, Josh will try to get as many as possible. Josh is funny. =)


"Can I have another candy cane?"

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Orchestra takes forever

Had orchestra rehearsal this evening. It just kept going. So, needless to say, I'm really tired right now, but what else is new. I probably won't stick around here long, since I really need to do some last minute organizing of presents. I'm so behind in everything...basically in life itself right now. It's nuts.

Christine gave me a scarf for Christmas! I love it so much. It's fuzzy. =) She also gave me a music tie. I love Christine. I owe her two hugs.

Elliot and Kees also gave me a present today. I got a teddy bear and a little anti-stress kit from Kees, which is actually really clever. We were ranting about how much we love it. I'll mention more about it another time, I'm sure.

The band christmas party went well. People kinda left halfway through, I'm assuming they though it was over. Anyways, it still went well, and I really liked it. I got to take pictures, which is a lot of fun, even if I didn't get many good ones.

Alright, I really need to get organized for tomorrow, so I'll talk more later.


"So, I just thought I'd mention...I don't know about the other judges...but I happen to accept bribes."

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

No New York

I'm so mad. We all are. For our school band trip this year we were supposed to go to New York. Paddock told us today that the CBE didn't approve it. And for the stupidest reasons! The main one being that one person didn't show up to a meeting that needed to be held in order for us to have this trip. So basically that's like saying the meeting didn't happen. It sucks so much. There's apparently a bunch of other little reasons. Apparently New York's not 'safe' enough...geez, a trip to New York isn't much safer then living in Calgary. Oh, and it's not 'educational', which is complete bull. We'd go to New York, get a tour of Julliard, see Broadway and the Philharmonic, and it's not educational for us music students? Yeah right. Why do we put people like that in charge anyways?

So, Ryley sent almost everybody an e-mail tonight, saying we should protest against this decision, since it's so stupid. We had angry e-mails going back and forth for a while. Then Andrea, 'thy voice of reason', came into the whole deal, and sent out another e-mail telling people not to do anything yet. Apparently she's setting up a meeting with the principal and stuff. So, I'm willing to listen to Andrea, since she has common sense, while I don't have any. That's why I hang around with people who have common sense. So, I guess we'll see how this whole thing plays out.

Now, on the more thoughtful side, it kinda hit me recently that there's more to best friends then I thought there was. I mean, I guess before I thought that best friends meant you hung out with people a lot, and told them everything and stuff. Which is true, to an extent. But it kinda hit me lately that you don't actually have to hang out with people all the time to classify them as best friends, and you don't really have to have known them for years to count them as best friends. I dunno. For some reason I always assumed best friends were the ones that you hung around with every day, and now I've realized that maybe that's not true.

I don't know why I'm putting so much thought into this. I mean, I have a lot of friends (at least I feel like I do), and it doesn't really matter which ones are best friends. Maybe it did in elementary, but now it doesn't seem like such a big deal. Still. I guess I feel like I haven't had really good friends in my past. To me, I've just started having friends who actually care about me since about grade 9. Even then, there was only one. Now there's more. I dunno. It just makes me feel good to feel that I have best friends who care about me. Like, really care about me. And it means a lot whenever I find out that maybe they consider me to be a best friend too.

It's amazing how attached you can get to somebody over just a couple of months. I always kinda thought that you needed to know somebody for years before you could really open up to them, and get really close. I've just realized that sometimes it can happen almost instantly. Some people just click. I like being with people I click with.

I've also decided that everything you do in life has risks. Everything. So it's no use wondering whether the best will happen, or whether the worse will happen, or whatever. There's no use worrying about what might happen if you do something, or if it goes wrong, or even if nothing comes of it. It's just not worth worrying about that. So really, the questions isn't what will happen if you do something, the question is whether you're willing to go for it, and find out, rather then wondering for who-knows-how-long what would have happened.

Those are my shpeals for the night. Other people might not have a clue what I'm talking about, but I'll leave you to interpret it as you will.

Hm...other facts you might be interesting in...I got another bracelet. For breast cancer. My grandma gave it to me. She's visiting from BC. Now I have 15 on my left wrist and 14 on my right. I also have to make sure I don't forget anything for the party tomorrow. And for CYO rehearsal. From 6:30 to 10:00. Let's see if I can actually get through it all. Oh, and I have to bring stuff to dress up as an elf. And I can't be late, or I'll make my uncle late for work, since he's driving me to school.


"Well, we could either move to Finland, or Canada. We chose Canada. We thought that Finland was dark and cold and they spoke a funny language. So we moved to Canada, where it's dark and cold, and they still speak a funny language. But at least it's one that we understand."

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Or however you spell that word. Yes, I'm not doing my social, my english essay, my english portfolio, or my writers workshop...also for english. So...I'll be panicking when it's all not done. Which kinda makes me depressed when I think about it, but I'm also not doing anything to change it. Looks like I'll be having a late night sometime in the near future.

Anyways, I had a fairly good day today. Unfortunatly, I left this way to late, so right now I'm not really in the mood to go over it all. But I did have a couple good talks with Randall, Andrea and Christine. So that's good.

Christine practically fell asleep on me before theory. She was so dead. I love Christine. And then I fell asleep during theory, and he woke me up by asking me what chord was on the third beat of some measure. The fastest I've ever had to figure out a chord in my life. But, whatever. No more theory until the new year!

I also got a good hours sleep (I think) during social, which was really nice. As much as I know it's bad for my social mark, it just feels so good to put my head down and sleep.

I'm just a bad student.

Anyways, I think I'll be off. I really should do english, but I really don't want to. I'll think about it tomorrow, and then start it tomorrow evening, I swear.


"'s time for theory..."

Monday, December 18, 2006

All the moods of Monday

Geez, I had mood swings like you can not imagine today. But, whatever.

I need to learn to play saxophone. Just thought I'd mention that.

I couldn't get my low note in choir today, which made me really sad. Hopefully I get it in time for my performance. I'll work on it tomorrow...and hope that I'm having a good day. We'll see. I love playing piano in choir class, even though there's a bunch of people who can do it better then me. I still love piano. I wish I had more time to play it.

Band...was band. We didn't to anything really thrilling. We did play G major though. I like G major. Doesn't seem like anybody else does, but I do. It's a nice key. It's nice to have B naturels and F#s once in a while.

Nobody came to the Santa's Little Helpers auction today! That made me so sad, I was looking forward to it. So we moved it to Thursday, and if we need to, we're going to do it at the party, because if people still want these parties to happen, band council needs money. I guess it's kinda their loss too, since now we'll be slaves for Friday, which is a short day. So. Whatever.

Social was so dull. We wrote an essay. I didn't even know what I was talking about half the time. Not that I ever do anyways. And then math was okay...I actually got work done, for a change, but that was half because I didn't really feel like talking to anybody.

After that I got my band hoodie, which is so fuzzy, I love it! It says bassooning around. Then I went to chamber rehearsal and academy, and I love everybody in my chamber group, they always make me happy. So I guess the last part of my day was alright. That afternoon really sucked though. But, whatever. I can't believe I'm leaving for Spain in a week. But I do really need to get away. Just to not worry about anything for a'll feel so nice.


"You guys are my left, Robyn's sleeping, and to my right, Weston and Dorian are sleeping."

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Good moments

We played our gig at Heritage Park today. Me, Weston, Carina, Christine, and Emily. We had fun. I liked it. We got to watch the accordian ensemble which was there, too. I know Alistair would have liked that.

I heard Josh got his hair cut. That makes me sad. I liked Josh's hair.

Not sure what else to say. I'm really not in the mood to post right now.

Christine gave me a hug today when we dropped her off. That made me happy.


"Ever wonder why they need 20 first violinists, but only 1 first bassoon?"

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Grease Lightning!

Aw, it was so amazing! Abe did Grease Lightning as the musical this year, and tonight was the last night they're doing it. It was so fun, I loved it. I'll be singing Grease Lightning and Beauty School Dropout all night. Oh, and maybe break into "C, C, C, C, C, C, A, A, A, A minor, F, F, F, F, F, F, G, G, G, G seven..." =) So, that amazing performance almost lets me forgive them for kicking me out of the band room one afternoon for their practice. Almost. Jason tried to counter by saying that the debate kids got kicked out of their room once for a battle of the bands meeting. But, for a debate kid, that was a pretty weak argument, seeing as they actually had someplace else to go: the bandroom. I had nowhere. I was homeless. But Grease Lightning was amazing. =)

I started a split in my reed today during Wind Ensemble. I was so sad. I know it'll still work for quite a while, but it was like the one functional reed I have. So I really need to start making more reeds, since Francesca's getting annoyed with me buying them, since I'm supposed to be making my own.

This morning was kinda dull. We had to write an essay plan in social (of which I had no clue what to say), and I didn't even finish it. After that we had a math test. Which wasn't too bad, it actually took my mind of things for a while, which was nice.

I had the scariest moment of my life today! So, at the end of lunch today the fire bell goes off. Of course, I'm in the band room, and so we all get up to leave, and I decide my bassoon will be fine, seeing as the last two times the fire bell went off while I was in the band room, it was fine. So we all leave, and stand outside for about five minutes. Meanwhile, I'm wishing I had brought my bassoon, seeing as it would make me feel a lot better. Then I hear sirens, and a fire truck is coming to the school. So I run around to the doors, and Paddock won't let me inside to get my bassoon! I was so scared, I felt like I was going to cry! The only thing that really stopped me from freaking out completely was that he didn't seem worried, and I'm sure if there really was a threat, he'd at least be trying to get the 14,000 $ timpani's out of the school. Still, when they finally let us back in I ran inside and hugged my bassoon. I'm never leaving the school for a fire drill without my bassoon again.

Turns out there was a fire on the first floor guy's bathroom. Apparently there's a reward for anybody with information about it. Go figure.

I made snowflakes for most of english class. I stopped to listen to this one project, because that group wrote lyrics to a song, and it was pretty cool. So now we have a few more snowflakes to decorate the band room! Kelskie totally masters snowflakes...I was beginning to think mine were pretty good...then I handed it over to Kelskie...and said goodbye to my snowflake-making confidence...=)

During choir I wrote a message about selling Santa's Little Helpers on the board. I'm looking forward to being auctioned off...or rather, I'm just interested to see how it goes. Depending who I go to, we'll see if I'm really looking forward to it. =) But really, I do think it'll be really fun. Apparently we have to dress up as elves for the auction. I should start looking around for elf like clothes...

After school me, Ryley, Alistair, and Andrea hung out in the band room for a while. We played piano (mostly Beatle songs, since we had a fake book), and sang along. Then Alistair got his trombone out and him and Ryley jammed for a while (with Ryley on piano). Andrea turned off the lights (don't worry, we didn't do anything =) ) and made popcorn.

And that, more or less, was my day. I had apple cider without burning my tongue, for once. I made cookies while dancing in the kitchen to Mozart (which puts you in an excellent mood, you should try it). I have to remember to tie a ribbon around a cookie for Randall. She gets a special cookie.


"I love the message at the end of Grease...change yourself, and you'll get a boy!"

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Hot Apple Cider

I love apple cider so much. Isn't it interesting how I burn my tongue on it every single time I make it? You'd think I'd learn after a while.

We decorated the band room today! It looks so pretty, and it just makes me so happy. We put christmas lights all around it, using medical tape. =) Adam stole it from the sports med room. He didn't get in early this morning, so we used a different kind of tape, and by first period certain sections were falling off the walls. So I redid them with medical tape. We also hung stars and tin icicles from the lights. During Andrea's (and various other peoples') spare, she (/they) also hung colourful material things over the piano and the conductor's stand, and taped little minature presents to them. They also traced a christmas tree on the wall with the strings of beads that I brought, and taped little presents and more tin icicles to it. They also spread little presents almost everywhere else in the band room. Kelskie's talking about bringing in a little tree, and I have an angel. We're not sure what to do with it yet, but we'll figure something out. Oh, and we drew more pictures on the white board. We've made it very pretty for only using black, red, green, and blue. Kathleen also taped little gold stars to the white board. We found it quite amusing that somebody drew a christmas tree with a star of David on top. Nice multiculturism there.

Hm...I was going to have a shower in there, but my brother's in there. Maybe I'll take one after him. Hope there's still hot water left when I get in there.

I totally forgot that today was the day choral class was going over to the church to sing. That was really fun. The people were really nice. And they made us treats...cookies, cakes, other little sugary snacks...=). I also met the choir director of the church, who was really nice.

I actually got work done in social, which is amazing. Randall's apparently having a good influence on, I forgot my hoodie, and I can't sleep as easily without my hoodie.

I went to see my brother's performance tonight. It was amusing. The jazz band played Phat Kat. Again. They actually brought James back (grade 10 percussion at Abe) to play that song, and another latin tune they were doing. I found that funny. They also played the Hippo song, but since there was no bassoon, that was rather dissapointing. I also saw Adam's brother, and kept laughing at how similar they are.

Well, my brother's almost out of the shower, so I should probably leave for now. Only to come back to more likely that any of it's going to get done, but I suppose we'll see.


"What is your favorite colour?"
"Blue. No, wait, yello-"...

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Yes, I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. But I've kinda been crazy busy since I got back from Mexico, and after that concert season came along pretty fast. December is just delightful for musicians. Playing a concert twice a week, and when we're not playing one, we're attending one. Lovely. But it's all fun.

So, Randall wanted me to start telling Mexico stories, so I guess I'd better do that. Well, I'll start at the beginning and go for a while. Basically, we had a bunch of cancelled flights and arrived in Los Cabos an hour or two later then we intended. Which screwed up our shuttle that we had booked. So it took us at least a half hour to get on a shuttle bus to the hotel (oh, and this is after we had to go through the whole thing of finding out that our luggage was back where we had switched planes, and we had to go back and tell them...well, that whole deal). Well, I'll skip to more happier times. We got to our hotel room, and it was pretty awesome. We had our own little patio right beside the pool. We also had our own little lagoon, which was really just a pond sitting outside our back door, But it had turtles in it! If you stuck the end of your finger in the water, they'd come over and bite you. Well, they would have if I had left it in there. Then as they swam away I'd stick my hand in the water and touch their shells. They were adorable. I stuck the end of my shoelace in there one time and they came and nipped it. I tried to take pictures of them with my underwater camera, but I don't know how they'll turn out, I haven't checked them out yet. There were also flamingos to one side! They had three or four flamingos in a little grassy area beside the pond. If you squawked at them, they'd do it back. They also did it if you were making a lot of noise, or if they didn't like what was going on. I loved them. I'll save some stories for another time.

So, I made it into the NYB! I'm so excited. It's in P.E.I. I can't wait. I really want them to post the list of participants on the website, so I can see who else is in it. Not that I think I'll know anybody. Mostly I'm just curious about who the other bassoonist is. There's usually two. Andrea didn't get in, which makes me sad. I was so excited about maybe going to P.E.I with her.

What else has happened since I last posted...well, I'm no longer in a relationship. I'm not going to release any details here, but I thought I'd throw that out there.

Other then that it's pretty much been more stress, busy schedules, and not enough sleep. I've been sleeping in more social classes then usual. Literally, it's pretty much 'oh, he's talking, it's time to sleep.' But it does feel so good, just to have a nap.

I'm becoming a rebel. =) A week ago I sent my first text message while in class. Math class, actually. Then today I skipped a class. Well, only half a class. And it wasn't like math or anything. It was choir, and Waters wasn't even in because he was doing stuff for the musical, so we were just working in the library, and Waters told us yesterday that we could have the last half of class as a spare or something. The library person wouldn't let us leave, because technically we didn't have anybody to supervise us (because, you know, we're 15-18, we really need supervision). So when she wasn't looking...we just left. Me, Rae, Jenny, Chloe and Kees all went to Peters' and got shakes. Well, Chloe, Rae and Kees did. Me and Jenny didn't have money. But it was still fun.

The band's also getting ready for Christmas! Andrea's decorating the band room like you wouldn't imagine. I'm bringing in more decorations tomorrow, including a few more strings of Christmas lights, which she'll like (hopefully). I'm also going to be making paper snowflakes in my spare time. Oh, and I spend most of my time in the band room now colouring the white board to make it look pretty. We're also going to be auctioning off the band council to raise money. We have to be slaves next Tuesday. That'll be interesting.

Chloe also invited me to a trip to Radium in January after exams. I'm excited already. Geez, you can tell I'm a social outcast, because I get so excited whenever I plan to get together with a bunch of people. I need to talk to Chloe about a few things my mom's worried about, but hopefully it won't be a problem.

Well, I think that should be enough until next time. The Grinch Who Stole Christmas is on T.V. (the old cartoon version) and I really want to watch. Hopefully Randall will be happy that I posted. Although she is sick, I don't know why she's on msn. And I've lost track of which band pictures I've shown, so I'll just leave a picture until I actually have an interesting one to post.


"Orchestra's a communism."

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Yeah, so the reason I dissappeared for a week is we went to Mexico! It was so fun. I could tell a bunch of stories, but I'm not in the mood, so if you really want to know, talk to me yourself.

Anyways, strangely enough, I'm finding myself with nothing to do. I should probably be trying to get social done, or studying for math...but I'm not.

And I just realized I'm going to have to take both the social test and the math midterm on Thursday, since I'm going to Banff with the CYO on Friday. Yay. I'm very excited. We're going to meet the EYO there, which means I'll get to see Matt. I'm happy.

I also just realized how utterly pointless this blog is. I never actually say anything worthwhile. Oh well. You catch me in a hyper-weird mood and I'll blab on forever. Now is not one of those nights.

I'm hungry. And still not quite sure what to pick up the phone here soon...


"The Black Dahlia..."

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I'm happy

Quite happy. Some people will know why, some people won't. That's the way life is.

So...yeah. I'm happy. Hm...I can't forget to print out my thing for english, which I'll only get, like 50% for anyways. And I need to fill out my audition form for the NYB. Yay.

Hm...I can't seem to talk a lot tonight. I'm either tired, or happy. Or both. Probably both. I just don't feel like sitting here and posting. I'm kinda scared to go into the kitchen, since my dad's kinda upset with me, although I'm not entirely sure why.

Alright, I'm obviously not being productive here. Band picture...

That's the concert band. I'm not sure why they have an entire row missing...probably because they don't have an entire row of saxes, like we do. Lucky. Who needs saxes...

I'm kidding. =) Randall, Ry, various other saxes, please don't be mad. =)

Alright...I guess I'm off for tonight.


"Happy's your belt!"

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Free time...?

Ah, sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been up late because of homework, and I either don't have the energy to post, or social has brainwashed me, and I've forgotten. Anyways.

I've actually been not busy tonight, which is weird. Well, technically I should have been busier. I mean, I could have done those pages for math, instead of just doing the practice test. I also could have actually started on various English things that are due at one point or another. I could also have started on the next social unit. All to get ahead before I go to Mexico. But, we're talking about me, meaning if it's not due in the next three days, chances are I'm not going to seriously think about it for a while.

So...yeah. We had our Halloween band party yesterday. Which was really more of a Halloween band movie night, but it was still fun. Watched Nightmare before Christmas. I never realized how much that movie likes its bassoons. And oboes. And english horn. And french horn. =)It was fun. Then, after vaccuming all the popcorn off the floor, I headed to Chloes to watch more Halloween movies. Only these ones were actually scary. Well, Hannibal was. Final Destination was so filled with foreshadowing and drama, it was actually kinda amusing. But I guess if I had really wanted to be scared, I could have been. Movies are fun like that.

Alright...some days I can go on forever is not one of those days. So I'll put up a band camp picture...

I'm starting to loose track of which pictures I've already shown now I'm basically resorting to picking a random picture and hoping I haven't shown it already. Here's another picture of the bus. I think this is when we were leaving band camp. Although I'm not sure...that looks like an unusually happy face for leaving band camp...


"We have homes?"

Friday, October 27, 2006


I've been staying up so late to get homework done. I kinda want to get another calm thing done, just so that's one less thing to worry about...but it's too late. I'll scramble on Sunday. And maybe Saturday, depending on my mood.

So, I got my school situation a little more cleared up, so I'm feeling better about that. I realized that choir camp and Mexico came right after one another...meaning I'd miss two more days of school then I thought. But I got things sorted out, so, hopefully it'll be alright.

Hm...I need to practice more. Or rather, I need to find more time to practice. So...that's been bugging me, since I haven't been practicing nearly as much as I used to.

So, yes...I'm still tired. Although I'm probably going to stay up later to arrange. I'm having fun arranging. I'm excited.

Band camp picture...

There's Chloe again. In her helmet. Cool. =) Geez, you know I'm tired when I can't even comment on band camp pictures...I miss band camp...


'Dougnut eating David, and I'm Ritenuto Robyn.'

Monday, October 23, 2006


I was so tired today. Crazily tired. And now, here I am, at 11:00 at night, planning to stay up later, even when I have to shower tomrrow. Wonderful. I'm a smart one...

Anyways, me and Randall went to Kelskie's house to finish our english project. We're still not exactly sure how to present we're just hoping another group goes first so we can kinda mimic what they do. In a sense. I'm supposed to print out our info and stuff...I think I'll work on editing it maybe a little...though I'm not sure how...and then printing it out tomorrow morning before school. It's kinda late and I don't want to risk waking anybody up...because my dad will have my head if he finds me up this late...

Hm...I really should have studied for math tomorrow...yay, test. Oh well, I'll live. I hope. I probably should have tried to get social done too, but so much for that. Am I a good student or what?

Funny how I'm more awake now then I ever was today...just goes to show you that I really am a night person. Tomorrow morning will be a completely different story, but we'll worry about that when we get there.

Kelskie got a new mirror in her bedroom. I like it. It likes me too. It makes me look good. =) I like mirrors that like me.

Band camp picture...

That's Chloe on the bus. Chloe looks good in pictures. I envy her...=)


"I'm a rover...can you love me anyways?"

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Babysitting on my day off

Yeah, my dad's friend brought his kids over today. They're babysitter was sick, so I agreed to look after them. It was only for a couple hours anyways. So it was fun. We watched a movie (Shrek) and played cards (Go Fish). Good stuff. And I got to sleep in today, which was nice. I'm still tired, though. One day a week isn't enough to catch up on my sleep. This week's gonna be fun...

I actually attempted to get some homework done. I failed, but I tried.

So...I feel like I should really be doing something productive...but...I also don't really feel like it...and I should be getting to bed...but I'm not. So...yes...

Band camp picture...

There's Chloe. She has a sweet helmet line on her head. I think there's apparently ninjas in that picture too...with Chloe, you can never be too sure.

10 days 'till choir camp...hehe...choir camp...


"Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it hold the world together."

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Honour Band...Done...

Yup, it's done. We had our concert tonight. I went fairly well. We played this new piece, and the composer of the piece actually came and conducted us. I felt really bad, we kinda butchered his piece during the concert. We read it fine in rehearsal...and then the concert that wasn't so good. But...whatever...

I'm so tired. It's gonna be so nice to be able to sleep tomorrow. Mmm...sleep. I've almost forgotten what it's like to do that...I also need to remember to water my plants, because I haven't done that in about two weeks.

My brother was really mad at me tonight. He was going to watch a movie on the computer (yeah, that's family watches DVDs on the computer...) but I got on the computer and started chatting, and I didn't want to get off, so he got really mad at me. After a while I went to his room and explained why I wanted to stay on, and we both apologized and he went downstairs to watch his movie. was really neat. Usually me and my brother just get really mad at each, enough about that...

Ry said he got a new cat. =) I really want to see it. Like, really...I like kitties...=)...

I also should do homework tomorrow...I should...will I?...Probably not...

I e-mailed my uncle today, telling him about the songs I'm arranging. Or, planning to, in most cases. I asked him what computer program I should get to write the parts out. I figure if I'm gonna get one, I want a good one. I've heard some pretty crazy horror stories from people with bad programs. So that'll be nice. Mom also said that Uncle Chester has a laptop he's not using, and if we could get a program before we go to Mexico, then I could work on my arrangements there. Which would be nice, seeing as Dad won't let me bring an instrument. =) I'm a geek...

Hm...they're watching the princess bride, and it just got to the scene where there's lots of bassoon...=) I love it...

I also talked to Matt today. That was good. I apologized for getting mad at him...hopefully he'll start talking to me again. He can't bring the contra to Banff, which sucks...but I couldn't get mad at him again...I just couldn't. I was happy after that...

Oh, and my dad bought a new car! It's so great, it has a CD player, and now we can get rid of the 15 year old Ford! I'm not sure what kind of car it is...I'm never good with things like that...all I remember is that it's jade-coloured. Sounds pretty. I'm excited. No more old car...

And apparenly All Cities got Mars on Friday. I'm so excited. I love the bass line for Mars. I'm excited...

I should really end this post...I've just kinda been going on...which is always fun...I don't usually have a lot of time to post...usually it's just a last minute thing I do before is neat. I like it.

But I really should end it, because I'm kinda running out of things to say...and then I'll just start blabbing. camp picture...

Those are some of the cabins we stayed in. There were more of course. The one in the middle was mine, the left is Maggie's, and I believe Erika was in the right one. We were sorta out in the corner. But we were close to the bathroom, which was nice.

Quote of the day: "You miss that note, I'll cut you."


Friday, October 20, 2006

And...More Honour Band

Yup...more honour band. Although I probably had the most emotional rehearsal I've ever had in my life. I'll give the readers digest version...I've already told it / discussed it at least three times. Anyways...

So, this percussionist, Veronica, kept making these mistakes in rehearsal. Not really serious mistakes, they just stood out because it's percussion, and percussion always stands out. So Ronnie (our conductor) got really mad at her and said he was two seconds away from kicking her out. So she left.

Afterwards, Graham (the guy who kinda helps organize honour band, and keep everything going smoothly) gave us a talk after lunch. Ronnie had a longer lunch. He told us that we're in honour band, and he respected her honourable decision to leave. He told us that nobody insults his band, and if we didn't want to play for Ronnie, then don't. He said we should play for ourselves, because we're in honour band, and play for Veronica.

He said a bunch of other stuff, but that's mainly the message. He was pretty mad, he didn't agree with Ronnie, and he swore a couple times and was in tears. Then he had us play the slow song, and we played it so well, it was amazing. Then we moved on to the march, but I left halfway through the first page. I wasn't just tearing up like some other people. I was bawling.

So. It wasn't completely a negative experiece I think. I mean, the fact that Veronica left is, but Graham's talk was so neat. It definately made the rest of the day harder, though. By the end, none of us really cared anymore. I think he was really dissapointed in us, but I mean, it was 9:00 at night, and we had just been through such a hard day!

I think I'm going to end up skipping my shower tomorrow. Hm...we'll see. I'll set my alarm early, and I get up, I get up, and if I don't, I don't. I probably won't. Although maybe the fact that I have a concert tomorrow will give me incentive to take a shower. So...we'll see.

I probably should go to bed right now. But I'm chatting to Kate and Randall, and I love chatting with friends. Especially since I haven't seen them for the past couple days.

Band camp picture...

There's a bunch of people on a bunk bed. In Maggie's cabin, I believe. I miss band camp...


Thursday, October 19, 2006

More Honour Band

It's funny. You wouldn't think sitting down the whole day would really make you that tired. But rehearsals are exhausting, especially three of them in a day. I know it's not like all we're doing is sitting...we're not just sitting around being bored, or sleeping or something. But still, it's not like we're running around and stuff.

Anyways, honour band is really fun, as long as my mouth doesn't give out on me. I think I already mentioned a bunch about honour band in my last post...but, I like it. I got hot apple cider from Second Cup when we went for dinner. I love apple cider. I need to tell my dad to buy some. And I love the cinnamon stick that Second Cup throws in it too. =)

So, Andrea said that audtions for the National Youth Band have to be in by November 15th. Which means I basically have to cram, make a recording, and send it off sometime in the next two weeks, seeing as I'm leaving for Mexico on the 6th. So that'll be interesting. It shouldn't be too bad. It's not a live audition, so it'll be less stressful. And I know my Hindemith pretty well. I don't know if I should play another says two contrasting pieces, but the Hindemith has two contrasting movements, and in the second movement it pretty much has three contrasting sections. So I think that should be enough. Plus, they said we should keep it to about 5 minutes, and I think my Hindemith already goes over that, without even including my scales and stuff.

It also kinda overlaps with our trip to New York with Symphonic Band at Abe. Me and Andrea are going to talk to Paddock (that is, assuming we even get in. We're kinda jumping ahead of ourselves here).

Band camp picture...

That is (apparently) the archery thing at band camp. I've never been there, so this was my first time even seeing the place. Looks fun. I still like horses more. =)

Hm...sleep I think. I'm tired.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Honour Band!

Honour band is fun. I'm excited. Especially tomorrow, when we have pretty much a full day of rehearsals. It'll be awesome. I like our music. Well, some of the slow stuff isn't so great, but I'm not really a fan of slow pieces. It has to be really super pretty for me to like it. No super great bassoon parts. Solo-wise. But it is fun music. And it's a fun group. Our conductor's cool too.

I got two new bracelets today. =) The Navy Band came today to play for our school, and they brought promo stuff. At least, that's what I call it. So I got a Navy Marine bracelet and an Army bracelet. I like them. That made me happy.

Social test made me less happy, but at least it's done and I don't have to worry about it anymore. At least until Wednesday, when we have our next test, but I'll worry about that after Honour band.

Band camp picture...

That's Seth and Alex with make up. It was one of the things in the scagenver hunt. I really wish I had a better picture of Josh with make up, because he actually looks really pretty. It's funny. I have to attempt to finish some laundry before bed...


Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Seriously Confused

Band camp picture...

There's the rest of the bassoons. And that's our teacher at the's actually kinda scary-looking...

Bed time I guess.

Night all.


Sunday, October 15, 2006

Calm homework

I just spent almost the last 4 hours doing calm homework. We have a unit due on Thursday, but I know I'll have no time (or energy) to do it, especially with honour band starting. So, I finished it all tonight. So now I don't have to worry about it, and that's good.

I had a lesson with Lorna McGhee today. She's a floutist. Also Irish, I like her accent. Anyways. It was really cool, I had a lesson with her last year, and she remembered me. It was nice, she's a really cool musician. I get to watch a masterclass she's doing tomorrow. I'll also get to hear the flutes in the academy play. I haven't heard many of them play on their own.

I took a 45 minute nap today. That felt good. I had to drag myself out of bed this morning for a shower. I didn't get to sleep in at all this weekend. The most I slept in was 8:15...which I guess is sleeping in at least 2 hours more then on weekdays, but it still doesn't feel like sleeping in. I know I'm gonna have so much social homework...I have to talk to the teachers about missing Thursday and Friday...which means I'll actually have to speak french...yay...anyways...

Oh yes, and that last band picture was me and Ryley on the bus ride home. Everybody was sleeping on the way home. At least on our bus, but maybe that's because we got the bus with the comfortable seats. Today's picture...

Those are the grade 10 and 12 bassoons. From left to right, you have Georgeanne, Maggie, Melissa, and Mikalina(sp?). It's during our clinic. Me and Ryley are beside the grade tens (on the right), but you can't see us in that picture. Our clinic was fun. But that's because I like clinics.

I told my dad I wouldn't be on the computer much longer, but I'm chatting to Kelskie, so...I'll probably stay on longer then he wants me to.


Saturday, October 14, 2006


The ballet concert was really neat. I liked the music. I didn't like the clapping-in-between-movements. But there was plenty of bassoon in the last piece. Including contrabassoon. So that was nice. They had a choir, which was really neat. I think the piece that stood out to me the most was The Winter Room. Apparently it was about a winter scene where a couple meet. It was really cool. Like, the beginning made the whole audience gasp. I mean, you could actually hear everybody gasp. I loved it.

I've given up trying to take Saturday morning showers. I just don't have the energy, especially when I get to sleep in two hours more then on the weekdays. So I'll just leave showers until Sunday. Although I do have to be at Mount Royal at 10:00 tomorrow morning. Probably slightly before that. But that's alright. I can take a shower before that.

I'm tired. Band camp picture that describes my mood at the moment...

I'll leave you with that, and let you interpret my mood as you wish...


Thursday, October 12, 2006

U of C Wind Ensemble

I went to a U of C Wind Ensemble concert tonight. It was so amazing. With the contrabassoon, and tuba mutes (which are huge, and hilarious). It was so great. Andrea, Ry, Alistair, and Duncan also showed up, along with Christyne (french horn) and apparently a bunch of people from stampede band. I knew a lot of the people in the Wind Ensemble and symphonic band, which was really cool. I bought two CDs there. So that's good.

I also finished my reed today. It's so pretty, I love it. My teacher will probably tell me ten thousand ways to do it better, and then tell me to make another one, but I still love this one. And I like Kelskie's choice of nail polish colour for my first reed. =)

I also started writing the band camp soap opera today. It's gonna be pretty awesome. I'm looking forward to it, although I have no idea when I'll find the time to do it. I also need to work on calm, and finish all those songs I want to arrange.

Band camp picture...

Yeah, that's me. That was just before we got on the buses to go to band camp. I really like that scarf...I got it in Colorado. =)

Hm...I have to remember to try that other tenor that Paddock found and see if I like it better. And I also have to check bus times to see if I can take the bus to my bassoon lesson instead of walking...I'll do that right after this.

And...I'm also kinda-really tired...


Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Yay! I made a reed tonight. It's so fun. I need to get a desk or corner or something to make reeds...I did it on my bedroom floor tonight. =) But it was fun. I'm so excited. I just don't have any nail polish to seal it I might not totally finish it for Friday. But we'll see. I'm excited. If Kelskie brings nail polish tomorrow (I e-mailed her) then I might try to work on it during tutorials and lunch. But again, we'll see.

Arg. I'm chatting to Matt on msn. I'm so mad at him. He got into honour band, just like me, and he got all the 2nd and contrabassoon parts. He even said he might actually be able to get his hands on a contra. Then he turns around and says he's not coming. I still don't really understand why, I'm just mad at him. Did I say I was chatting to him on msn? Oh no...I'm yelling at him on msn. He says I'm overreacting...well, he's not reacting enough. It's not only three's three days I might have been able to sit beside a contrabassoon! But oh no, he can't come. Sigh...sigh...

Band camp picture...

That's Brittany on the rock climbing wall. I never went on the rock climbing wall...I went horseback riding both this year and last year. Looks fun. Although, to be honest, I'll probably choose horses again next year...=)

I didn't finish all my social tonight...but neither did Randall. We're gonna work on it tomorrow morning. Kate also called me today, which was nice. Kate's adorable.

Time to get ready for tomorrow...


Tuesday, October 10, 2006


I can't wait for tomorrow...for no particular reason really, I'm just ready for Tuesday to be done. Plus, I'm taking a break from my homework, which is making me feel camp picture...=)

I apologize Randall, that's not a great picture of you. I'm sure I'll be able to get a better one and put it on here. Anyways, that Randall on her horse. I think she had a really nice horse...he didn't cause any trouble like Adam' least I don't think so. Randall will have to tell me if I'm right. I hope I get better pictures of Randall...she's so sweet, I love her.

Anyways, I want to start typing up our soap opera for the band that I'm writing. It's going to be fun. I really should be using this time to do homework, especially as social's due on Thursday and I'm not done it, and basically everybody in the class are way better students...

Anyways, I really want to get started on this soap opera, so I'll talk more tomorrow...probably. =)


Sunday, October 08, 2006

Another relaxing day

I didn't do much today. Again. I woke up late. We had a fire in the backyard and burned a bunch of branched that a friend brought over. Roasted hot dogs. Made salsa. Graham had his friend over. I had an amazing practice, which was good. Like really, my mouth never got tired, and my sound was amazing. I loved it. I also played some piano. And thanksgiving dinner was really good, which was nice.

Band camp picture...

There's another picture of Brittany. She's in her rock climbing helmet. Cool, eh? =)

Stuff do to tomorrow...though I'm still not getting up early for any of it...


Saturday, October 07, 2006

Hockey Night

Stupid hockey. Stupid Flames goalie. But the team looked like they were trying, which makes it slightly better. But not much. I hate the Flames.

Anyways. Band camp picture...

That's Brittany and Lindsay. What they're doing...I'm not quite sure. But Lindsay looks beautiful, wouldn't you agree? Brittany looks pretty in basically every picture she's in.

I had a pretty lazy day. Probably played a total of 2 1/2 hours of DS...give or take. Probably give. I did go out and walk the dog with Graham. We got slurpees, even though it was cold outside. Supid wind. I don't like wind.

I should have practiced bassoon, but I really didn't feel like I didn't. I'll have to practice tomorrow though. I have so many things to do for my grade 8, I really have to start practicing more. Especially working on my high notes.

I did practice piano though, so that's good. I like playing piano, and I don't get to do it much during the week, since I'm so busy. I worked on my Starburst wrapper chain. =) It's pretty. I like it.

And yet, I'm still really tired. Which is weird, seeing as I did next to nothing today. Oh well. Me and dad are planning to make salsa tomorrow. Which is good, because I think my salsa is the only reason I ever get invited to surprise parties. =)

My brother's having a friend over tomorrow. A girl. I know I shouldn't think that's too brother's always had a lot of girls as friends...but...he's my little brother...anyways, moving on...

I get to sleep in tomorrow again. =)


Friday, October 06, 2006


I love Fridays. Today was a good day.

Band camp picture of the day...

That's Adam on his horse. I loved his horse. He kept trying to eat, so Adam had to keep pulling his head up. It was quite amusing. But he was a sweet horse, I liked him.

Anyways, I worked a little on the piece I'm arranging. It's May It Be, from the Fellowship of the Ring. For flute, two clarinets and bassoon. The band room was a happy place this morning. It was Kathleen's birthday. Happy birthday, Kathleen. We ha cake. And balloons. And Miranda smacked Andrea's eye trying to hit a balloon. Now Andrea has a lovely green and blue brused eye. It's beautiful. Although I'm still trying to convince everybody that she's in a long-distance abusive relationship with Bryan.

Since I learned the piano part to one of our choir songs, Kate came over to the piano, and I played while she sang. She has a lovely voice. It's amazing. A bunch of other people joined in, which was fun. Then we had choral, which was even more fun.

I've almost finished my story in english. I kinda like the way it's turning out. I've started over a couple times now. But I think I've found a way that works. I want to get it done for Tuesday.

My lesson even went well, even though I only practiced twice in the past two weeks. All Cities was so great. But it usually is. I love All Cities.

Then Ry, Andrea, Alistair, Josh and I went out for dinner to celebrate the fact that Ry's away from Co-op. Hopefully he has his soul back after tonight. We got sushi. It was cool.

Oh, and today is officially Take-Out Andrea day. Everybody seemed to be doing something to Andrea today. Brusing her. Bumping into her. All that jazz. So, yes.

And I get to sleep this weekend! No practices, no school on Monday. It'll be so nice to be able to sleep again...


Thursday, October 05, 2006


Alright, I think I'm almost recovered from band camp. I'm still dead tired at times, and getting up in the morning is awful, but what else can be expected during the school year?

Nobody has sent me any band camp pictures, which sucks. But I got a bunch of Chloe's pictures off her photobucket, so that's good. I'll post them here. Not all at once of course, that would take forever. But I'll post a couple every once in a while.

Band camp picture for tonight: Me, horseback riding. It's not a great picture of me, but right now it's the only one I have. So there you go. I loved my horse. She was so sweet. When you scratch her forehead, her eyes kinda half-close and she just stands still. She's adorable. Her name's Missy. They sold Cowboy (the horse I had last year), to a pasture where he can just graze all day. But he was 27 years old, so...

Oilers totally beat the Flames tonight! It was so fun. I'm so happy that hockey's back. It was very exciting. =)

Choir was fun today. I'm singing tenor for In Remembrance. Which is cool, because it's tenor, but that was the only piece where I knew the alto line almost perfectly and I could always get the notes. So now I have to learn it all over again. But that's alright. I just have to make sure I don't accidentally start singing alto again. So that'll be fun.

I should have done some homework tonight...but I didn't. So...too bad.

Bassoon lesson tomorrow, and I hardly practiced...lovely...but hopefully she's clip my reed so it's not flat anymore...


Saturday, September 30, 2006


I'm still so tired from band camp. At least I get to sleep in tomorrow...and then get tired out all over again by paintball. Oh well. It'll be fun.

Ry worked his last shift at Co-op tonight. That's nice. I hope we can get his soul back...

I'm gonna ask everybody to send me band camp pictures, so I'll probably post a couple of them here. =) Yay.

And...yeah...I'm too tired for this. I'm off for now I guess.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Band camp!

Band camp was so fun! I'm so exhausted! But I honestly miss it so much. My first thoughts getting home was like, "yay, I'm home, sleeping in, and relaxing, and not playing all the time...I miss band camp..."

Anyways, it was really fun. We did a scavenger hunt last night, which was so much fun. Everything worked out so well. I got to wander around in the trees with glowsticks in my hair and around my neck. I ran away from groups when they spotted me. It was fun. Even though I stepped in ankle deep mud, almost lost my show, tripped on stumps, logs, branches, bushes, fell into mud, and nearly killed myself running away from all those was so fun. Especially since a lot of people had trouble finding me, which made it all worth it.

So then after that, me and most of my cabin stayed up until about 2:00 in the morning, and wake up call was at seven. I'm so tired...but it was so much fun. I'm writing a soap opera for the's quite interesting. Especially since very little of it is actually true. Josh wasn't very happy to find out that in the soap opera he's madly in love with Christyne...but I'm not changing it, so he'll have to live with it.

Josh looks so awesome with straight hair. The process was so funny, and looked really painful. Although Kelskie brushing my hair was pretty painful too...but I'm probably more used to my hair being brushed then Josh is. Anyways, I'll have to get everyone to send me all their pictures of that night. I'm thinking of making a slideshow with them. Or something like that. Josh also looks lovely with make-up. =)

Poor Alistair.

Anyways, I could go on about band camp forever, but, as stated above, I am quite tired, and I have CYO practice tomorrow, so I'd better go. You'll probably be hearing more about band camp soon anyways. Speaking of which, I have to find out how many days till next band camp...


Monday, September 25, 2006


I'm not feeling all that awesome. I'm not sick...I'm just not perfectly healthy. So...yes. I'm posting slightly earlier then I usually do...mostly because I kinda want to go to bed...because that would be really nice.

So...yeah...jazz was fun, I actually made a couple of sounds come out of that tenor today, so that was nice. I really want to play the bari...hearing Adam play it today has made me miss it a lot...oh well...that's why there's next year.

Band camp in two days. I'm excited.

Wind Ensemble tomorrow. Children's March. Yay.

G'night now...


Friday, September 22, 2006


Yeah, I'm pretty tired. And I have to get up for CYO tomorrow, so I really should just get to bed.

Today was pretty cool. Played When the Saints go Marching in with the band council, playing a bass line on bassoon, so that was fun. Started a story in english. Listened to Ry, Chris, and Elliot play jazz during lunch. Slept through social. Math was cool. Got a new reed in bassoon lessons. Went to All Cities. Lost my tuner.

My day in a nutshell.

So, yeah, bed would probably be a really good idea right now.


Thursday, September 21, 2006


Yeah, first pre-season game with the Oilers and the Flames. And the Oilers won. I'm happy. Of course.

Anyways, I think I should just play Children's March every morning. I just had an awesome day...and I think it's because I started it with Children's March.

But really, it's going to be so awesome. We have percussion, and a french horn who actually knows how to blast. It's amazing. When he eventually plays his part perfect, I'm just gonna hug him. Because he's going to get it perfect. I'll kill him if he doesn't.

So...yeah. For an amazing day, I actually don't have much to say about it. I did good on my math test. Had a cool talk with Waters while waiting for mom to pick me up after choir. I like chatting with Waters. Very interesting.

Social class wasn't even that bad, because I was still happy from the Children's March. Band council meeting was fun. I love Alistair. lol. He's just so funny. =)

Used the new white board markers for the band room. They're colourful. We're still hiding them, just so I don't have to buy more within two weeks...but whatever. I bought two packs, and Andrea actually chose a good hiding place for the second pack. I just stuck the first one where the old hiding place was, which means people are bound to find it anyways. But whatever. Josh said he was going to steal them...Josh is also funny...

Had realtively little homework tonight. So I had a nice relaxing night again. I should have practiced...but...yeah. I really need to start bringing Freddy around again, now that I'm actually playing half-decently again. Freddy's my practice buddy. He's a frog, and he lives in my pocket when I'm not practicing. Although right now, he's living on the piano lamp. I think he's lonely. I'll bring him tomorrow. First All Cities practice, he has to come for that. I'll put him next to my backpack so I don't forget.

I also need to bring my trombone for Ryley tomorrow. And my alto, so the band council can practice for band camp. Fun stuff.


Wednesday, September 20, 2006


So yeah, there was jazz practice today, which was fun. I totally hate the tenor that I got from the school. I can hardly play it, and I've talked to at least one person who's had it, and she told me to get another one. So...I dunno. Not to mention that I'm not used to playing flats on sax, so that was a little different. Anyways. I'll figure something out.

But I had no homework tonight! Technically, I should have finished those two social questions, but...I didn't. I did get another thing done for calm, so that's good. I had a pretty relaxing night. Got to play some DS. I also bought some white board markers for the band room after practice today. So now Andrea doesn't have to hide the only good marker we have. Though I'll bet you anything I'll have to get more after two weeks. lesson's coming up and I haven't practiced the Hindemith...not seriously anyways. So...I hope my teacher doesn't totally think I can't play it, because I can...just not right after taking a whole month off bassoon.

So, as of next week, everything that I'm doing this year is starting up, meaning there will not be a weekday where I go directly from school, back home. I won't even get home before 6:00 on any weekday. Fun stuff. But it does mean I'm playing more, which means I'm getting better, so it's all good.

Been having tiny conflicts with myself...just about more music stuff that I really want to join, but kinda don't for various reasons, and not having the time anyways, and...yeah, a bunch of other stuff. But keeping busy also keeps my mind off it, so that's good.



Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Social and calm

I really have to stop titling my posts after whatever homework I've just done. So I'll work on that. Anyways. I did get calm done...and social...mostly, anyways.

Paddock kinda scared me today...I think he was kinda mad that a bunch of people had to leave for choir...but with Paddock, I can only sometimes tell if he's actually mad. So...I decided not to take the chance, and I bolted for the band room door. Which totally broke my heart at the same time, because we're playing the Children's March in Wind Ensemble.

I'm playing tenor in senoir jazz. That should be fun. I hope there's one at school I can use tomorrow...seeing as I don't have one. But if not, I guess I can murder the tenor parts on the soprano.

And...yeah. Life is good. Not much more to say about that. I've spent almost the last 2 hours on the computer, so I'm kinda sick of it. I'll be off now.


P.S: Love you, Ry. =)

Monday, September 18, 2006


Yup...more homework. I actually finished my english without too much trouble. I had most of it done already, but still. And social...I know I shouldn't leave it, but I am. Which is also making me worry, because I have a calm thing due on Friday, and I haven't even started working on it. So I don't know when I'm going to get that done, especially now that all of my music things are starting up again. But I guess I'll have to figure out a time, even if I have to spend all night doing homework sometime this week. Which hopefully won't happen, but you never know.

I did get into senior jazz though, along with Randall. I'm so happy! It's gonna be so much fun. I'm guessing one of us will be put on tenor, seeing as he said he was only going to accept one sax in the first place. So...I dunno. But I'll play anything. He could tell me I'd have to learn trumpet to play in senior jazz, and I swear I'd do my best. Josh also got in, and Erika, so I think senior jazz will be super fun. Although I'm missing Vic Lewis, which will really suck, but whatever.

I'm also missing Chris Weait because of Mexico! I'm so mad. He's this super bassoonist. He taught my teacher, and the teacher I had in Colorado, and he's coming to Calgary for some master classes for the academy. I'll get a lesson with him on Saturday, but I won't be able to be at the masterclass he's having on Monday! I hope my teacher's still organizing a reed making class with him, and hopefully I'll be able to go to that, because I really want to meet him as much as I can, he sounds like an amazing guy. And I'm missing his masterclass!

Hm...Wind Ensemble starts tomorrow. I'll have to talk to Paddock...I have to leave practice at 8:00 for alto sectionals for choir. I'm interested to see which bassoonists will join. I know me and Maggie will be there for sure, but maybe a grade 10 bassoonist or two will show up, which will be interesting.


Sunday, September 17, 2006

BBQ at the neighbors

Yeah, we went two houses down the street to have a BBQ with the neighbors. It was fun. The food was great, and it was good to see everybody again. They also have an adorable little dog named Duffy. He's cute. He's four years old, and still smarter then Champ, who's seven. Anyways, it was fun.

I slept in today...of course, seeing as it's my only day of the week that I can sleep in. Had three pancakes for breakfast, had a shower, and then started on homework. I finished that social essay that's due tomorrow, and got a good chunk of that thing for english done.

I didn't water my plants, like I said I was going to do. I didn't get a chance to do it yesterday, and Saturday is always the day when I water my plants, so I'm kinda worried about them. But they'll live until tomorrow. I also didn't get a chance to practice...which isn't good, because I really need to start practicing again. Oh well.

First academy meeting tomorrow, which should be fun. I get ensemble music, which will be nice. I want to organize my music better this year, although I'm not completely sure how yet. We shall see.

Hopefully I get to find out who made senior jazz tomorrow. That'll be interesting, so I'm looking forward to it.

Anyways, I'm not feeling too good, so I think I'm gonna vanish and get some sleep. Or at least read for while.


Friday, September 15, 2006

Good day

I'm cold. Not really super freezing...but cold. It's snowing now. Not huge snow or anything...but it's certainly not raining. The means it's scarf season. =)

I got to play my bassoon in band today. It was awesome...until we played the march. I don't like that march. It's your typical march. I like other marches, like the Children's March (though I don't technically call that a march) and the March of the Belgian Pararoopers. Fun stuff. There's this one spot on the bell that I can't polish or oil's bugging me...I'll take a closer look at it when I get the time.

Jazz audition went fairly well. I played a couple notes during my solo which I didn't really like, but other then that I think it went well.

All Cities auditions also went really well. I'm really looking forward to All Cities this year.

So, yes, and then we went to Calaway park (in the snow) for some country thing that the station does. It was fun. I dragged Ry along. =) But I hope he had fun too, even though it was pretty cold, and a bunch of the rides were closed.

Hm...I just remembered about ensemble practice tomorrow. I have no clue who's going to show up. Corey suggested 2:30, so I guess I'll show up then...and we'll see from there. This bugs me...I like to know what's going on, and right now I don't...not really. Hm...oh well, we'll see. I also have to talk to / e-mail Andrea about the CPO concert tomorrow night...


Thursday, September 14, 2006


She's home! I missed my bassoon so much, I'm so glad she's back. Fox fixed all the pads, and all the scratches, so she looks brand new again. It's so beautiful. And I can get so much more air through that instrument then the school one. The school bassoon, I was lucky if I could get a quarter of the air I can get through mine. It's amazing. And I can project a lot better. It's amazing. I didn't really practice today. More like just warmed up and went through all my low-range scales. I'm not really sure what I'll do for my All Cities audition. I'm not really sure what she wants. And she already knows But I know all my scales, and I'll bring a bunch of music, so I'll just be able to play whatever.

I did practice sax again. Auditions are tomorrow. Fun fun. I normally don't practice the day of the rehearsal...supposed to be bad luck...but I think I'm gonna practice tomorrow morning at least. I don't have my audition until 2:00. I definatly won't play it just before my audition, that's super bad luck. But I'll run through it a couple of times in the morning.

I actually finished my outline for my social essay. I kinda wanted to get it out of the way...especially so that I don't end up trying to do it all on Sunday night, which usually happens for my essays. I'm gonna have so much homework this weekend. English, social...I should probably do some math...will I? Probably not, but it's the thought that counts. I'll probably try to get another thing done for calm too.

Still kinda nervous about my sax audition. But I think I'll be okay. I know the few scales that he told us we need to know (I'm horrible at scales on sax, but I memorized a couple blues ones...and mixolydian is fairly easy, I memorized at least two), and I'm playing my piece at least a little better then I was. Ry also worked on improv with me this morning, so I'm feeling better about that.

Oh, and we had our first band council meeting today. My first meeting. It was fun. I know the choir wants us to call it music council...but this is my blog, and here, it's band council. Anyways, we mostly talked about things we're going to do at band camp this year. It should be fun.

Hm...I should probably go. Get ready for tomorrow morning, get some sleep. Ha, me get sleep, that's a good one. I always tell people that sleep is good, and then I go and stay up until 2 in the morning when I have to get up at 6. But such is life. It works. At least until I start falling asleep in social...which I think would happen even if I spend 24 hours before the class sleeping, I'd still fall asleep.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to tomorrow. On that note...I shall go...


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Online CALM

So, I didn't get nearly as much homework done tonight as I should have done. I spent a bunch of time practicing sax again, then had dinner. Then I sat down and did some stuff for online calm. And by the time I was tired of that, I was tired in general. So I didn't review all the math I should have, I didn't start on my social essay outline, and I didn't work on my list of 100 things to do before I die for english. But...yeah. It'll work out, even though I said I wouldn't let myself fall behind this year.

So...yeah. I sang a one-line solo in choir today, which was cool. And I went in and out of conciousness in social, as well as watching other people do the same thing. Those are the only things that really stick out from today...oh, and band was fun. Got to play the plastic bassoon. I really want mine back. If it's not back by tomorrow, I'll be really mad.

And I had pizza from the place across the street from the school. Which was good. Yeah...I can't wait for the weekend...and my bassoon...


Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Can you believe theory classes this year actually put me in a good mood? Last year I could hardly stand them in a good mood, and if I was already in a bad mood, then you had better watch out when I get out of there. But today I was in such a bad mood going into class, and after the first, like, 10 minutes, I was already happier. It's amazing. I love it. And the theory teacher's awesome. He doesn't teach theory exactly how they say we're supposed to learn it, he teaches it so that we'll understand. He's great. And he's always going off topic too, which is cool. He was explaining how an augmented triad sounds like drifting in space, like Pluto, and then we started talking about how Pluto wasn't a planet, and just a little space rock trying to gather gases and mass to become a gas giant, but it wasn't working, and how he was like Pinoccio how wanted to be a real boy, he wants to be a real planet. Anyways, in the end, we all voted that Pluto should still be a planet, and went on with the lesson. It's so great.

I practiced so much sax today. I really want to be ready for that audition. I don't think I'm going to take that Parker song as fast as it says I should...but it's Parker, so can anybody really play it as fast as it should be? Well, Ry probably can, but I'm not that good, so I'll have to make do with what I can. But I think it's rather good, even though Ry'll probably find a bunch of things I can fix when I practice it at school tomorrow. Which is okay, because then I'll know what to fix, and in the end it'll sound better.

So, because of my extensive practicing, I did no homework. Which is really not good, seeing as I think there's a social essay coming up in the futur, I have to keep up with math, and I should have tried to work on my english. Oh, and I really can't forget about calm online, because that would be bad. But...I also really want to be ready for that audition. I'm kinda scared about the improv part over a 12-bar blues thing he talked about...maybe I'll ask Ry about that...

Anyways...I think my laundry's done, so I should probably go get that. Ooh, and I get to spend all morning in the band room again tomorrow. And band rehearsal too. Although not with my bassoon...but it means we get new music. =)


Monday, September 11, 2006


Another day, another mood, another couple of regrets.

But such is life, right?

Today actually wasn't a bad day. I stayed in the band room from 7:00 to 12:45 today which was fun. I'm thinking of actually keeping track of how much time I spend in the band room, compared to the time I spend at home...just to see how they compare.

Anyways, I'm going to try out for senoir jazz on alto, since they don't need a bari. I'm still kinda worried about it...since there are a bunch of them...but anyways. I figured I go for it and see what happens...I should have done the same thing for vocal jazz...such is the cause of the first line you read.

Yeah, I was upset with my dad yet again tonight. Seems to be happening slightly more often then it used to.

But I practiced alto for a while tonight. Have to get something ready for that audition. I'm trying a couple swing tunes from a Bb fake book...since my Eb book *still* hasn't come in, and Ry was willing to lend me

All this 9/11 stuff on T.V isn't helping my mood much...but now I'm just complaining, so I'll stop. I need to be happier, it's no fun when you're upset, and it certainly doesn't make anybody else any happier either.

But the sooner I go to bed, the sooner I can get up in the morning and leave today behind. So I'd better get started on that.


P.S: I'm also first bassoon in the CYO, which made me super happy. I think CYO's going to be so much fun...once I actually know how to play some of the more insane parts of the pieces. I can't have Mr. Clarinet Lord beside me always beating me at those runs. Actually Mr. Clarinet Lord (a.k.a, Nathan) is actually really nice. But still, I need to learn those parts...and on my bassoon, not that school one. I should write Andrea a letter too...she replied to my last one...anyways...lesson of the night: think happy thoughts.


Saturday, September 09, 2006


I'm pretty tired. I had to get up at about 8:00, which doesn't seem that early, but seeing as I didn't get to bed until 12:30, it didn't add up to much sleep. Had my first CYO practice today. That was fun. Surprisingly, I'm first, but that's only because none of the previous 3 bassoonists stuck around this year, so. But it was really fun. I sit beside Nathan, who's an amazing clarinet player, and we kinda already know each other, so that's good. I really have to practice my parts, but I also really want my own bassoon back. I'm already tired of the school one, and I've only played it twice.

Threw a surprise birthday party for Kelskie yesterday. That was fun. I got hyped up on sugar. Played a game of pool. I serious want to steal her pool table. Just so I have one, because I want one so bad. I hope everyone had fun. Kelskie got some interesting presents. =)

I organized my music today, which is good. It really needed it. Oh, and I'm going to polish that school bassoon before I give it back, because it would actually be much prettier if it was nicely polished.

Alright...I think it's bed time. Saturday nights will be my only day to really sleep in


Thursday, September 07, 2006

Stupid Social

I hate social. I really do. I'm sorry Andrea, I know you love it...but...when I have to look up a dozen different maps just to fill in one map for homework...tedious...

Anyways, I got through that, mostly because I listened to music while doing it, which gave me hope, and reminded me that there was more to life then just social.

I found a breast cancer quarter today. I'm keeping it. I was also thinking of auditioning for jazz choir...but I don't think I will. I don't really have anything to audition with and...yeah, so, I dunno.

We're writing a list of 100 things to do before we die, in english class. It's actually really fun. I'm at 64.

It feels like I've already been going to school for at least a week. Not just two days. It's crazy.

I'm a little random right now...but homework makes me brain dead so...

Apparently we have to audition for senior jazz this year. I'm nervous about that. But I think there's a jazz meeting sometime, so maybe Waters will talk about that and I'll calm down.

My bassoon will be back next week! That's so much earlier then I expected! I'll only be playing a school one for a couple days. I'm so happy.

Can't wait to get a bari tomorrow. I'll have to practice it at school, since the only way my dad would let me rent the bari is if he didn't have to drag it back and forth between school and home. So I'll do most of my practicing on my alto at home. But still. I want to get better at bari.


Wednesday, September 06, 2006


So, I found out that on Mondays, Wednesdays and every other Friday I get to spend the whole morning in the band room. That made me so happy. I either have band, then choir, or the other way around. It's great.

We had to go to homeroom this morning...I really don't know why. I've heard that we have to go tomorrow too, which I really hope is not true, because I really don't see the point.

We didn't do much in band. Talked about everything I had already heard. So...yeah.

Choir was pretty fun. Talked to people. I sang an F. =) And...that's pretty much all that happened. Oh, and I learned how to breathe. Which is always helpful.

Math is also fun. I love my math teacher. He's really cool. I hope I can actually get used to his teaching style. It's kinda really close to my last teacher...but slightly I hope I can keep up. I should have done more math homework tonight, but after social, I really wasn't in the mood.

Social...was social. All 80 minutes of it. I managed to pay attention for most of it...I think. At least I have an idea of what he was talking about for the class. And I did most of the work...except for the map...but whatever, I hope it's not due tomorrow. Anyways. There's a lot of band people / other people I know in that class, so that's good.

I also listened to my orchestra CD from Colorado again. I love it so much. Orchestra is fun.


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

First day

This post will be kinda short. I just feel like going to bed right now. I don't really know why...just because.

Anyways, I went in early today to help with the grade 10 orientation. That was fun, except a bunch of the groups thought we were nuts, and weren't willing to dance and sing. Which was super lame, and I'm mad at them. But I met a new music guy who just moved here. He plays grade 9 piano, it's amazing.

It was good to see people again. I'm looking forward to tomorrow, when I'll see even more people. So that's good.

I had my first theory lesson today, which was actually really fun. Our teacher plays flute, and he is so cool. He's a theory teacher, a performer (he's played with the CPO a couple times), and a composer. Except when he told us about it, it sounded like he does theory and composition more so he can understand the music better then anything else. Anyways, it was really cool. I doubt I'll be falling asleep in theory anymore.

I also found out that Christine, a french horn from CYO, is also in my theory class. Which is funny, because Kelskie was just telling me about her today, and then I met her in my theory class. I found it all quite amusing.

So...bed now, I think. I should have organized all my stuff for tomorrow morning, but whatever.


Monday, September 04, 2006

Last minute shopping

Yeah, so today we went out and bought some last minute school stuff. Notebooks, pencils, pens, folders, etc. Just the little things. Then we went out for lunch at Pelican Pier. I spray-painted a new shelf for my room, seeing as I need more places to put my plants. I have about three just sitting on my bookshelf.

Anyways, other then that I didn't do much. Played Chibi-Robo, Animal Crossing, and a little Super Mario Bros.

I'm actually looking forward to going back tomorrow. Especially since I'll see all my band buddies again! I'm really looking forward to it. And I realized I have a really awesome first term. Choir, English, Band, Social and Math 20. So other then social, it's a pretty awesome term. And I have choir first thing on Monday mornings, which rocks.

So, my dad wants me in bed...for a good night sleep for tomorrow. So I should go, even though I know I won't sleep for another couple of hours.


Sunday, September 03, 2006

Quote of the day...

"It's not a day, until you've blogged it,"


Today was another day consisting of nothing of real importance. I played a video game with my brother (Chibi-Robo), then played a little bit of Mario Bros. on DS, then played Animal Crossing on DS. Played a little piano. Read a little. Watched a little tennis.

My dad brought home a bunch of tree branches from his friend's place. Apparently some neighbor was getting rid of a tree, so we got loads more firewood! We used a good chunk of it tonight. Now I smell like smoke. =)

Um...I sent out an e-mail to the ensemble, so we're trying to plan new practice times. So far we just need to hear back from Ryley and Andrea. I really hope they're okay with practicing on weekends, because that's really the easiest (and almost only available) option right now. So we shall see.

Oh, and the axe-murderer never did come in that movie. Two people went mental in cars, and one died. And some blond girl killed a couple people with an ice pick. She was going to kill the cop, who she had been in a relationship with the whole movie, but didn't. And the cop ended up shooting some other brunette girl because he thought she was the bad one. I kept telling him from the middle of the movie that the blond was the creepy one. But no...he fell for her anyways...I was quite dissapointed in that movie...


Saturday, September 02, 2006


Not much really happened today. I did a lot of thinking, which is kinda good, you need days like that. It's healthy. So are showers. I had one today. =) I love showers. parents are watching a movie in the kitchen right now. I was listening, and the music sounded like some axe-murderer was going to jump out and kill this couple. So, naturally, I went to watch. Geez, I stood out there for almost 10 minutes, and no axe-murderer. I'm dissapointed. And, as I'm writing this, I'm listening to more axe-murder music. But there's still no axe-murderer. I told my parents to call me when that element of the movie eventually comes. Hopefully, anyways. dad left the house to do some recycling this morning. So, while I had the house to myself, I played the piano, and actually sang the lyrics too. I don't sing unless I have the house to myself. I suppose that will have to change since I'm joining choir this year. I'm still debating whether to try out for vocal jazz. I want to...I think it'd be fun. But...I dunno. We'll see. =)

I took the dog for a walk with my dad. We went to 7-eleven and got a slurpee. I got DragonFruit. Yeah, really wierd. It was purple. Not a bad slurpee though.

I also beat a couple of bosses on Super Mario for DS. The newest one. And I beat two rounds of Mario Golf against my brother. So I think it was a pretty productive day.

I'm really dreading going back to school without my bassoon. Poor Mia...all the way in the states when school's starting...I really miss her. And I feel kinda insecure going to school without her and having to use a school'll be wierd...but I'm also looking forward to seeing everybody again. It just hit me today that I'll be able to see everybody I haven't seen since early June. I'm excited for that. But my poor baby in the states...=(

Well...I think I'm off to look for that axe-murderer...he better be coming soon...


Brokeback Mountain

Geez, I have a feeling the times / dates for this blog are all screwed up, since I often post sometime later then 12 in the morning. Meaning it dates this as the next day...anyways, moving on...

Yeah, watched Brokeback Mountain again tonight. I also saw it in the theatre with Kelskie. It's not really a movie that I can watch often. But it was still pretty good. I like the music, it's neat.

Anyways, I slept in until 11:50. Which felt really nice. And then when I got up, I found out that my mom and my brother had already got back from clothes shopping, and brought home cinnimon buns, so she heated one up for me. Which also felt nice. Until we both realized I had an eye appointment at 12:00. =) Fun. But she called, and they moved us to 1:40, so it worked out. They put drops in my eyes that made my pupils go huge, so I was pretty much blind in the light for the rest of today. Had to wear sunglasses almost all the time.

Then we went shoe shopping. =) I got a really comfortable pair of sandels...the kind Andrea has, except they're pink and yellow instead of blue and green. I love them. I also got a pair of skater shoes. Black, with hot pink lining. Pretty. I think this is the first year I can remember that I haven't had to get running shoes for school. The perks of not having gym anymore.

Then I took the dog for a quick walk. Got home and went to ensemble practice. It was just me and Corey. Ry had to work, Duncan had something else, I forget, and I don't know why Andrea didn't show up. I'll have to talk to her...

So we played a little, but not much, since I was playing alto instead of bassoon, since it's still in the states. We basically played half of two songs, and then talked, from 4:30 to 6:00. But it was loads of fun. We traded band camp stories (me from Colorado and Red Deer, him from the U of C camp) and talked about music we've played / are playing / want to play / are arranging / are composing. Fun stuff.

I came home and we had a fire in the backyard, where me and my brother burned all of our old school year from last year. Probably not a good idea...I might have wanted to keep some of my notes for some stuff...but I'll pick it all up again. Hopefully. Meh, I'll work it out.

And now, since I got tagged by Kelskie...

Random Bookishness

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 3 sentences (or paragraph) on your blog along with these instructions:

5. Hundreds of times since Dustfinger had first told her about him, Meggie had tried to picture Capricorn's face. She's thought about it on the way to Elinor's house when Mo was sitting beside her in the van, and in the huge bed there, and finally on the drive here. Hundreds of times?

6. Tag five people. I know five people? I tag Ry, Amy, any of Amy's friends who reads this and wants to do it if they have a blog...and anybody else who happens to read this and wants to do it on their blog. And Kelskie, that includes you, if you'd like to do it again. =)


Friday, September 01, 2006

Jam session

Today was really fun. Like, really fun. It made me happy. =)

Anyways, so Ry picked us up to go to Elliot's place. My brother came along. He ended up playing some of Elliot's spare percussion. Bongos, shakers, etc.

Okay, Elliot has a really nice house. Like, a really nice house. I love it. And I love his basement. And his pool table. His place is so awesome. I want a pool table...anyways, back to the jam...

It was really fun. Ry brought both his tenor and alto. Obviously Elliot and my brother did percussion. I was on my alto. We also had Randall (alto), Andrea (piano), Josh (guitar) and Steve (bass). So it was pretty fun. I was pretty much sightreading all the tunes we played, since I'd only ever played them on a tenor, which is a different key then alto. But it was fun. I shared a fake book with Randall, and I can't wait for mine to come it so I can practice jazz. I also need to work on my in, knowing when to stop. I'm having some trouble with that...

After we stopped playing, and started raiding Elliot's kitchen for food =), I got the feeling that my brother might be getting kinda bored...or just not feeling included. So I called my mom, and she came to pick him up, while we decided to go to Boston Pizza for more food. Which was also fun. The splitting up of the bill was slightly more complicated then I thought it needed to be, but whatever. Teen Titans was also on one of the TVs there. =) That was cool.

Then we headed back to Elliot's place and had a game of pool. I love playing pool, even though I'm not really good at it. It's fun. I want a pool table. Then maybe there'd actually be something at my house to do...=)

Then we watched some TV...which was also fun. Feasted on the leftover pizza. And then everyone pretty much headed out. My ride came about 10 minutes after everybody else left, so I had one last game of pool against Elliot. He suck all the stripes before I got the solids down, but he was never able to sink the 8 ball, which was the only thing that kept him from completely slaughtering me. In the end, we called it a tie.

Fun stuff. =)


Tuesday, August 29, 2006

It begins

I had to go to school to register today. Fun. That means school (and everything else that took a break) will soon be starting up again. Not that it's all bad. That means all my various bands (and orchestra) will be starting, and that's always good. Anyways.

That wasn't really that eventful. I took the bus there...I actually don't mind taking the bus...when I don't have my bassoon. I'm glad I won't have to take it for most of the year, since I usually have to go in early for band, so my dad drives me which is nice.

So I got to talk to Mom (of the band) at school which was cool. She was registering music people. When I was there, she hadn't met any new bassoonists yet, and only one flute. Two really good french horn players from my jr. high are coming, so I'm looking forward to playing with them next year. I also found out Ry apparently signed up for choir. =) That'll be fun. It made me happy.

I also met Adam when I went to get my picture done. That was cool. Adam's a cool guy. Too bad I didn't get to talk to him longer, but there'll be plenty of time for that when school starts.

Oh, Ry called, and he's apparently having this jam at his place (or Elliot's, they're not sure yet) on Thursday. So that'll be fun. I'm really looking forward to it, even though I'm also kinda scared, since I'm not really a jazz person, and I just started to get confident with soloing...and I might have lost some of that confidence while at camp...anyways, that's besides the point. I'm still really excited...and scared...anyways, moving on...

I also practiced alto. Went reed-scouting. Tried a bunch of different reeds. I still like my old one. It's a Rico Royal 3, but it's kinda old, and I love it. I bought a new box of Rico Royal 3's, and tried them, and they all feel quite stiff, and they're kinda hard to play. I'm hoping that if I spend some time breaking them in, they'll be better. I've been playing bassoon so much I've almost forgotten what new sax reeds feel like. Anyways, I hope they loosen up a bit, because it's quite tiring to play on those reeds for a long time. have to polish my alto tomorrow so it looks nice for the jam...and I really hope my fake book comes in tomorrow...or I'll be in really hope it comes'm quite worried about that...
